Helping PSAPs to interpret eCall data
All information and data is provided in good faith from indormation provided to us.
Download and use of data from this site is however not warranted and remains the responsibility of the provider of data and the recipient of data. We can accept no responsibility whatsoever for any innacuracy or misuse; and use or interpretation of any data from this site or any downloads obtained from this site is on the understanding that it accepts these conditions.
a managed service
Service Sponsors
To submit a new enty to the eCall Data Registry
you need to:
a) Be a subscriber to the enhanced eCall Data Registy Service
b) Where appropriate pay an additional registration fee of €200 per entry (GOLD Sponsors may register up to 10 data concepts per annum without additional fee)
eCall Data Registry Service subscribers are automatically provided every update as soon as it is registered
Subscribers receive all eCall/eSafety Data Registry definitions and ASN.1 scripts delivered to them
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