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Becoming a Sponsor of the eCall Data Registry

Please download and see the benefits of becoming a is not expensive and will raise your profile and status in the sector. It also helps to keep the registry of eSafety data a viable proposition.

To be a Sponsor you must first be an eDRS subscriber


Discover the benefits of different Sponsorship levels:

Silver Sponsor.Sponsorship may be for a period of 1, 5, or 10 years. Silver sponsors have their Logo displayed on Website and all key eSafety Data Registry documentation

Silver sponsos are provided with Hot-links to your own websites from the EDRS website.

Gold Sponsor. Sponsorship may be for a period of 1, 5, or 10 years. Gold sponsors have their Logo and a legend of up to 5 words or 50 alphanumeric characters displayed on the Website and logo representation on all key eSafety Data Registry documentation; h

Gold Sponsors are provided with hot-links to your own websites fom the EDRS website.

A ‘Gold Sponsor’ also has the rights to submit up to 10 data concept submissions to the Data Registry each year (but no more than 10 in any one year) without payment of any Data Submission registration fees. 


If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor of the eDRS service, please complete and send the form below and we will be in touch with you by email to finalise arrangements

If you wish to be both a subscriber and sponsor (i.e. you are not already a subscriber), please send both the Subscriber and Sponsor applicaiton forms  

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